English language arts
SPaG Year 1: The prefix un
2 powerpoint lessons - how the prefix un- changes the meaning of verbs and adjectives; plus jigsaw cards and a lesson plan.
Adding the prefix un to adjectives: Powerpoint explaining how the meaning of adjectives change when un- is added, ending with an activity
Adding the prefix un to verbs: Powerpoint explaining how the meaning of verbs changewhen un- is added, ending with an activity
Activity cards
Jigsaw cards - root words and the prefix un.
Introduction to reading and writing sentences Y1 Year 1
These resources introduce the concept of a sentence and show how to write a sentence.
Introduction to sentences: Explains what sentences and punctuation are. It reinforces the importance of capital letters, full stops, question marks or exclamation marks, and spaces in-between words.
How to compose a sentence: Introduces the concept of sentence writing, and how the children should think about and then say the sentence before they write it down, remembering to read through and check their work when finished.
“I can” sentences: simple sentences for the children to read. The vocabulary gets progressively harder, from simple CVC words to using long vowel graphemes and blends.
Jake’s Full Stop: A story demonstrating how important it is to put full stops in the right places.
Picture sentences: Find the correct sentence out of four to match the picture.
Joining sentences with ‘and’: Demonstrates how text can become more interesting when ‘and’ is used to join sentences. Ends with sentences for the children to join with the word and.
Words that fit: Find the words that can be substituted in the sentence.
Sentence building: Jumbled up words that need arranging into sentences. Suitable for a class writing activity.
WORKSHEETS (PDF) - to accompany the PowerPoints
Worksheets: 15 different worksheets to accompany the lessons, including -
A checklist when writing sentences
Finish the ‘I can’ sentences
Write the words that fit
Write sentences about a picture
Punctuation story
Match the sentences
Cut and make a sentence
The worksheets are in both colour and black and white.
Some of the PowerPoints include a linked video to watch. This is a link shared through SafeShare T.V., a program that filters adverts and unwanted commercials from the clip. You may need to check if you can access this in school.
The links were checked before uploading, but if any don’t work, feel free to contact me.
SPaG Year 1 Punctuation: Capital letters, full stops, question marks & exclamation marks
Spelling resources to teach the statutory requirements in Appendix 2 of the English curriculum:
Punctuation: Separation of words with spaces; Introduction to capital letters, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks to demarcate sentences; Capital letters for names and for the personal pronoun I.
PowerPoint files:
Introduction to exclamation marks: Short presentation explaining when to use exclamation marks
Introduction to full stops: Short presentation explaining when to use full stops
Introduction to question marks: Short presentation explaining when to use question marks
Capital letters - when to use them: Looks at occasions where capital letters should be used, with an activity to test the children’s understanding at the end.
Capitals and punctuation quiz: Interactive activity where the children have to decide what is wrong with each sentence.
Jake’s full stop: A story that shows what happens when full stops are left out of sentences.
Sentences and punctuation: Recap on sentences and punctuation, with an activity at the end.
SPaG Year 2 Spelling: The /r/ sound spelt wr
A set of resources looking at words beginning with wr.
POWERPOINT: Explains the spelling and gives examples for the children to read. Then there is a spelling activity, using a look, hide and check format
BINGO: Wr words
CARDS: Matching cards with words and pictures
CROSSWORD: wr words
PRACTICE SHEET: Writing words beginning with wr spelling sheet
WORDSEARCH: wr words
WORD DOCUMENTS: Lists of words and a planning document.
SPaG Year 2 Spelling: The /l/ or /əl/ sound spelt –le, -el, -al and -il at the end of words
Resources to teach the spelling rule: The /l/ or /əl/ sound spelt le, el, al and il at the end of words
Le at the end of words: A short powerpoint with 18 common words to read ending in le.
Cards containing words ending in le - 45 word cards to play games
Wordsearch - le words
El at the end of words: A short powerpoint explaining that this spelling is not as common as le, but is usually found after m, n, r, v, w, and s. It displays 12 common words to read ending in el.
Cards containing words ending in le - 27 word cards to play games
Wordsearch - el words
Al at the end of words: A short powerpoint explaining that not many nouns end in al, but many adjectives do. It displays 16 common words to read ending in al.
Cards containing words ending in al - 27 word cards to play games
Wordsearch - el words
IL at the end of words: A short powerpoint explaining that not many words end in il. It displays 9common words to read ending in il.
Cards containing words ending in al - 27 word cards to play games
Wordsearch - el words
Which 'l' sound to use - shows all four spellings, with 22 words for the children to find which spelling is correct. It points out that the most common spelling is le.
Loop cards containing pictures and all 4 spellings of the /l/ sound.
Although every effort has been made to check wordsearches for unintentional inappropriate words, it is recommended that teachers double check them before giving to children.
Word list
Planning - An adaptable outline plan of the resources included and objectives
SPaG Year 2 Spelling: The /ʌ/ sound spelt o
A powerpoint lesson looking at words such as other, mother, brother or nothing. The pack also includes a word list, wordsearch, word cards and outline planning.
SPaG Year 2 Spelling: The /ɔ:/ sound spelt a before l and ll
A set of resources to teach children that the /ɔ:/ sound (‘or’) is usually spelt as a before l and ll.
SPaG Year 2 Spelling: The /i:/ sound spelt –ey
A powerpoint lesson looking at words such as key, monkey, donkey etc. The pack also includes a word list, wordsearch, crossword and outline planning.
SPaG Year 2 Text: Present and past tense and the progressive form of verbs
Four powerpoints looking at past and present verb tenses.
Introduction to tenses: Explains what tense means, and past and present tense, giving examples including the progressive form of verbs.It ends with some examples and opportunities for children to change the tenses of sentences.
Changing present into past tense: Sentences to change
Thinking of verbs and past and present tense: Look at pictures and describe the actions in the present and the past tenses.
Irregular past tense verbs: Explanation and lists of irregular past tense verbs.
SPaG Year 2 Sentences: Statements, questions, exclamations or commands
A lesson explainint the difference between statements questions exclamations and commands, with 2 activities.
Explains the difference between a statement, question, exclamation and a command, and how the grammatical patterns vary
Different types of sentences - writing an advertisement x 2
SPaG Year 2 Word: Formation of adjectives using suffixes such as -ful or -less
6 powerpoints looking at adding different suffixes to make adjectives, plus a worksheet:
POWERPOINTS: The first three resources below explain what adjectives are, and what each suffix does to the meaning of words it is added to. They end with a list of words to add the suffix to, and explain how the meaning of the word has changed.
Formation of adjectives by adding ful
Formation of adjectives by adding less
Formation of adjectives by adding y
Formation of adjectives ful and less recap: Goes over the two suffixes then ends with an activity to change words by adding ful or less
Adding suffixes to words in sentences: Pictures to encourage the children to make adjectives from root words.
Think of adjectives: Different pictures for the children to look at and think of describing words using the suffixes ful y and less.
Formation of adjectives worksheet: Writing sentences to describe pictures
SPaG Year 2 : Sentence punctuation and commas for lists
2 powerpoint lessons explaining the use of capital letters, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks to demarcate sentences and the use of commas to separate items in a list.
SPaG Year 2 Terminology powerpoint
An explanation of noun, noun phrase, statement, question, exclamation, command, compound word, adjective, verb, suffix, adverb, tense, apostrophe and comma.
SPaG Year 3 & 4 Spelling: The /ʌ/ sound spelt ou
Resources to teach the spelling guidelines for the /ʌ/ sound spelt ou
U spelt ou: Talks about how the /u/ sound can be spelt ou, and gives examples of words containing the grapheme. It ends with a spelling activity.
Look Write Cover Check: For spelling practice
u spelt ou word cards
Word list
Adaptable outline plan
SPaG Year 3 & 4 Spelling: The suffix -ly
Resources to teach the spelling guidelines for adding the suffix ly
The Suffix -ly: Recaps what an adjective and adverb are, and explains how the suffix -ly can be added to an adjective to form an adverb. It explains the rules for adding the suffix, and also the exceptions.(If the root wrod ends in y with a consonant letter before it, the y is change to i, but only if the root word has more than one syllable. / If the root word ends with le, the le is changed to ly. / If the root word ends with ic, then ally is added except in the word publicly.
Look Write Cover Check: For spelling practice
Word cards containing the suffix ly
Adverbs ending ly worksheet
Word list
Adaptable outline plan
SPaG Year 3 & 4 Spelling: Prefixes dis mis in re sub inter super anti auto
Resources to teach how most prefixes can be added to words without any change to the spelling of the root word, except for the prefix in.
POWERPOINTS: Each powerpoint introduces the prefix and gives a definition of its meaning and how it can change the meaning of words. Examples of words with and without each prefix are shown.
The last powerpoint looks at the meaning of all the different prefixes.
Prefix recap
Cards - words to add dis
Change the paragraph to the opposite meaning
Dis word definitions
Jigsaw cards – dis
Un and dis matching word and definition cards
Dis- wordsearch
Un- wordsearch
MIS - wordsearch
IN IL IM IR jigsaw cards
MIS DIS RE and UN Word wheel
INTER worksheet
AUTO prefix worksheet
Although every effort has been made to check wordsearches for unintentional inappropriate words, it is recommended that teachers double check them before giving to children.
Word list
Adaptable outline plan
SPaG Year 3 & 4 Spelling: The suffix -ation
Resources to teach the spelling guidelines for adding the suffix ation to verbs to form nouns.
The suffix ation: Recaps the definition of a noun and a verb and the rules for adding suffixes beginning with a vowel letter. It then demonstrates the addition of ation to certain words and ends with an activity for the children to complete.
ation sentences: A series of sentences for children to create and insert the correct noun by adding ation to verbs.
Look Write Cover Check: For spelling practice
The suffix ation worksheet
Word list
Adaptable outline plan
SPaG Year 2 Spelling: Adding the endings ing, ed, er, est and y to words ending in consonant / -e
Resources to teach the spelling rules for: Adding –ed, –ing, –er and –est to a root word ending in –e with a consonant before it
Adding suffixes to words ending in e: Explains what a root word and a suffix is, and shows the addition of -ed and -ing, explaining the spelling rule. It ends with an activity to add ing or ed and er, est or y to different root words.
Quick write - Adding ed to verbs ending in e
Quick write - Adding ing to verbs ending in e
Quick write - Adding er to words ending in e
Quick write - Adding est to words ending in e
Quick write - Adding y to words ending in e
Quick write activities show firstly the the root word, then how it changes/stays the same when the suffixes are added.
Words ending in a consonant then e matrix: to fill in
Y2 Spelling Appendix: Adding suffixes to words ending in e: An adaptable outline plan
Word List - With relevant words ending in e with a consonant before it
SPaG Year 3 & 4 Spelling: Words with endings sounding like /ʒə/ or /tʃə/ (-sure & -ture)
Resources to teach the spelling guidelines for spelling words with endings sounding like /ʒə/ or /tʃə/
Words ending sure: Explains the word ending 'zh-er' and gives examples of common words ending in sure. It ends with a spelling activity.
Words ending sure: Explains the word ending 'ch-er', giving examples of words ending in ture. It also explains that some words might sound like they end ture, but to check whethere they are words with the -er suffix such as teacher or richer. It ends with a spelling activity.
Look Write Cover Check: For spelling practice
sure word cards
ture word cards
sure wordsearch
ture wordsearch
Although every effort has been made to check wordsearches for unintentional inappropriate words, it is recommended that teachers double check them before giving to children.
Word list
Adaptable outline plan
SPaG Year 3 & 4 Spelling: The /k/ sound spelt ch
Resources to teach the spelling guidelines for words with the /k/ sound spelt ch
The /k/ sound spelt ch: Explains that these type of words come from the Greek language. It gives examples of the most common words with this grapheme, then ends with a writing activity.
Look Write Cover Check: For spelling practice
Ch for the k sound worksheet
Ch for the k sound picture worksheet
Although every effort has been made to check wordsearches for unintentional inappropriate words, it is recommended that teachers double check them before giving to children.
Word list
Adaptable outline plan